Tuesday 21 August 2018

Role of biotechnology in cloning

  • DNA which is somehow transferred into an alien organism would not be able to multiply itself in the progeny cells of the organism.
  • But, when it gets integrated into the genome of the recipient, it may multiply and be inherited along with the host DNA. This is because the alien piece of DNA has become part of a chromosome, which has the ability to replicate.
  • In a chromosome there is a specific DNA sequence called the origin of replication, which is responsible for initiating replication.
  • Therefore, for the multiplication of any alien piece of DNA in an organism it needs to be a part of a chromosome(s) which has a specific sequence known as ‘origin of replication’.
  • Thus, an alien DNA is linked with the origin of replication, so that, this alien piece of DNA can replicate and multiply itself in the host organism. This can also be called as cloning or making multiple identical copies of any template DNA.

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