Saturday 18 August 2018

Reason behind increase of temperature in fever

Fever is basically a defensive reaction in case of infection.
Whenever White blood cells encounter any harmful micro- organism in body they release protein called pyrogen
These chemicals are then carried by the blood to a part of brain known as hypothalamus. 
Pyrogens inhibit heat-sensing neurons & excite cold -sensing ones. This make the hypothalamus think the body is cooler than it actually is. In response to this illusion hypothalamus sets a temperature which is higher than normal.
The blood vessels of skin constriction to increase blood supply to the vital organs . This reduces heat loss through skin & cause the person to feel cold. 
If it is insufficient to make temperature match the new set point then shivering begins to use muscle movement for production of heat.
Once the white blood cells destroys all infectious foreign cells, the body comes back to its normal temperature by sweating.

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