Friday 17 August 2018

If nails are dead cells then how come they grow

 The hair strands that we have on the exterior of our body is basically lifeless or dead.
But interestingly, the core or the extreme end of strands that is inside the scalp and not visible from outside is very much full of life.
It is that part which due to being alive keeps growing. That is how the hair keeps extending in length.
This makes the strands outside similar to the Egyptian mummies.
For the outside part to look good or to keep them preserved. You need to nourish what is inside.
That majorly includes good nutrition and topical application of nutritious oils like castor, mustard and pumpkin.
The hair strands are made of individual pipe kind structures. They together unite to form each strand. Consider lots of mini hair strands forming a single hair strand that we see.
These mini strands stay together due to the binding proteins called Keratin.
So, for the overall hair to look good and to prevent them from breakage. You need to ensure that mini strands stay together and their surface (cuticle) remains aligned in one direction(in the direction of gravitational flow).
This is achieved through topical conditioning agents, organic protein derived from assimilation of food digested and prevention of any wear and tear to the hair.
A regime of keeping body fortified and keeping the cuticles of hair strands aligned gives the best mane possible.

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