Friday 24 August 2018

Euchromatin and heterochromatin

The major difference between heterochromatin and euchromatin is thatheterochromatin is such part of the chromosomes, which is a firmly packed form and are genetically inactive, whileeuchromatin is an uncoiled (loosely) packed form of chromatin and are genetically active.
When the non-dividing cells of the nucleus were observed under the light microscope, it exhibited the two regions, on the basis of concentration or intensity of staining. The dark stained areas are said as heterochromatin and light stained areas are said as euchromatin.
Around 90% of the total human genome is euchromatin. They are the parts of chromatin and participate in the protection of DNA in the genome present inside the nucleus. Emil Heitz in the year 1928, coined the term Heterochromatin and Euchromatin.
By focussing on the few more points, we will be able to understand the difference between both types of chromatin. Given below is the comparison chart along with the brief description of them.

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